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Sunday, November 3, 2024

Rhinoceros closed at the Slipper Room this afternoon. It's been lovely getting to work on this fun and timely play with the most wonderful cast!


Friday, September 20, 2024

Lauren is in preproduction for her next show, RENT, which will open in late February 2025. 


Sunday, August 1, 2024

Lauren has signed on to direct a production of Eugene Ionesco's Rhinoceros which will run October 26 to November 3rd New York City's iconic Slipper Room.


Sunday, March 2, 2024

Spring Awakening at Sarah Lawrence College closed tonight. Lauren is thrilled to have gotten the opportunity to sing the Song of Purple summer with such a fabulous, crew, and production team. Photos coming soon!


Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year, everyone! Lauren is hard at work with preproduction work for her first process of 2024, Spring Awakening at Sarah Lawrence College opening February 29, 2024!


Friday, December 8, 2023

This fall Lauren has been thrilled to join several processes as Intimacy Choreographer including: The Water We Buried by Eryn Diehl, 100 Feet in the Air by K Stanger, 9 to 5 the Musical, and Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl. She's loved being part of these teams doing this work!


Friday, March 10, 2023

Next week Lauren will be joining American Psycho in rehearsal at LIU, Post to work on Intimacy Choreography with their stellar cast and creative team. 


Thursday, March 2, 2023

Urinetown, The Musical opens tonight at Sarah Lawrence College! Urinetown is the Lauren's latest directing project and her first at Sarah Lawrence College.


January, 2023

Lauren just got done doing the Intimacy Choreography on the new play, Dogs of Peace by Brett Wolfe at LIU, Post.


November, 2022

Lauren is excited to have signed on to directing Urinetown, The Musical at Sarah Lawrence College. Lauren is thrilled to have an opportunity to work on this hilarious and timely musical!


Sunday, October 23, 2022

The Love of the Nightingale closed today at LIU, Post. Lauren is so deeply grateful for this time to be on the sea with this beautiful show and this beautiful cast. It has been a tremendous gift.


Monday, August 1, 2022

Lauren is excited to announce that she is joining Sarah Lawrence College as the Theatre Program Manager and Theatre faculty, teaching devised theater. She is over the moon to be back at her grad school alma mater and to be joining this incredibly vibrant, innovative, care centered program!


Monday, May 2, 2022

Lauren is thrilled to be directing Timberlake Wertenbaker's The Love of the Nightingale at LIU Post in October. The show is cast, preparations are underway, and she is very excited about this project! 


Monday, September 4, 2021

Fall semester starts tomorrow and Lauren is ready to be back in the classroom at LIU, Post teaching acting and devised theatre. After a full summer of research rest with her family she is also looking forward to getting back to the fourth play in the Woods Cannon with her collaborator!


Tuesday, January 4, 2021

Happy New Year, everyone! We're looking forward to some exciting things this year, the first of which being more work on the fourth play in the Woods Cannon with Maria Porter, her collaborator on this project. We can't wait to see where this work goes!


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Lauren is looking forward to an upcoming reading of the first three plays in the Woods Cannon coming up this summer! Watch this space for more information coming soon!


Tuesday, July 6, 2021
Lauren has begun work on the fourth play in the Woods Cannon! She is enjoying her time with her collaborator working with these
characters she has been creating for so long.


Friday, April 16, 2021

Tonight  the First Year Showcase at LIU Post opens, after designing this experience twelve years ago, this is the 10th year Lauren has directed this showcase for LIU's first year actors. 


Friday, January 8, 2021

With her new solo on hold while she waits to go back into the studio, Lauren is spending time writing, researching, and searching for inspiration for this piece. She looks forward to being back in the studio building when the world is a little bit safer to be there. 


Thursday, December 31, 2020

Lauren is spending the winter holiday season cuddled up with her family and her work, from Lauren Reinhard Performance works to all of you fellow theatre makers and lovers, happiest holidays to you all. 


Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Lauren is back at LIU, Post teaching acting and devising (among a few super fun Independent Study's and Thesis'!) It is going  to be a very different year filled with challenges we can't even foresee yet, but I'm grateful for my colleagues and students and believe in the resilience of young artists. Sending all my love and thoughts to all the educators going back to the classroom this month! 

Friday, April 30, 2020

What an incredibly challenging time it is. I miss the classroom, I miss the rehearsal room, I miss the theatre. The world is scary and lonely, I know. I know it seems like there is no way to continue making our work because of these circumstances. And it's important to know that you don't have to, your only obligation is to get yourself through this weird time. But if you do have some thing to make, to propose, to say, I hope that you will make it in any way you can. Because art is not just a way distract ourselves from the world, art is a blueprint for the way the world could be. And when this is over we're going to need a few blueprints. For me, writing or making anything huge right now has felt super overwhelming so I'm writing and making teeny things. Teeny Tiny things, to be exact! I've began writing and posting my QuaranTeeny Tiny Play Series on the Lauren Reinhard Performance Works Facebook and Instagram pages. I've also started a Quarantine Sessions  Series of tiny pieces that are also being posted to the FB and IG pages. I decided to post these small works in hopes we might find a community somehow in our work. If you feel so inclined head over to FB and/or IG to see what I'm up to. Let's do it together.


Sunday, January 12, 2020

Lauren has completed the third script in the Woods Cannon, Thank You For Coming (or the Everyday Dying of Stained Glass Shadows). She is starting this year beginning work on a new solo show, Lauren looks forward to being back in the studio creating for an audience. More information to come!


Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Tomorrow Lauren starts another year teaching at LIU, Post. This year she will be teaching Devised Theatre and Acting. Have a great year, everyone!


Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Yesterday Lauren returned home from Transit Festival IX - Hope in Action: Theatre, Women, Will. She experienced 12 days, 50 performances, 112 international artists, countless laughs, tears, hugs, ideas expressed, connections made, and experiences shared. She is so grateful for the beautiful experiences and people she's gotten to be with for the past 2 weeks and is energized for the days ahead and looks forward to joining the Magdalenas again soon.









Monday, June 10, 2019

This morning Lauren will be traveling to Holstebro, Denmark to participate in the 9th Transit Festival with the Magdalena Project at the Odin Theatre. She will spend two weeks training and sharing work with this international network of women in theatre.


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Wishing you the happiest and most fulfilling 2019! Lauren is spending her time this year teaching her wonderful students at LIU Post and writing. Her work with her fabulous midwife and artist from The Midwives is continuing and she is focusing on  her new play, Thank You for Listening (or the Everyday Dying of Stained Glass Shadows.) She is looking forward to beginning a development process for this piece as soon as it is complete!


Saturday, September 20, 2018

Lauren is absolutely thrilled to be joining The Midwives this season for their current term of the Midwife Circle. She is looking forward to being in this rich community of artists joined together to support each other's art making practice!  Learn more about this fantastic company, founded by her friend Emily Ritger, here.


Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Lauren is thrilled to be returning to LIU, Post to be teaching Devising for the 3rd year.


Saturday, September 1, 2018

After a great summer off with her family, Lauren is back in New York and excited to be developing the next play in her Woods Cannon, Thank You for Listening, or the Everyday Dying of Stained Glass Shadows.  In development readings will be posted as they come up! 


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Lauren is so pleased to be returning to the High School Writer's Seminar at Sarah Lawrence College next week to teach an Experimental Theatre Workshop with dear friends and inspiring colleagues!


Saturday, June 9, 2018

Principal filming has begun on the pilot episode of  "Good For You," the new web series Lauren is directing, created and starring Adam Newborn. Look out for "Good For You" this fall!


Friday, April 27, 2018

Twelve Batches to Midnight was read last night at Dixon Place. Lauren is looking forward to continuing the work. 


Monday, February 26, 2018

Lauren's new play Twelve Batches to Midnight will be read at Dixon Place on Thursday, April 26th at 8pm. 


Saturday, February 5, 2018

Lauren's new play  Twelve Batches to Midnight began a development process with an invited reading at A.R.T/NY tonight. Close collaborators, colleagues, and friends joined to read and hear the new play. "Twelve Batches to Midnight" is the second play in the "Woods Cannon" and Lauren is looking forward to continuing to develop this new piece. Stay tuned for more on this play later this season!


Monday, November 6, 2017

Lauren is thrilled to once again be coming back to LIU Post to direct the Freshman Showcase for the 7th year.



Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Lauren spent the weekend in Woodstock, NY with Sarah School working on their Commuter Assembly partnership and their newest work together. They are feeling inspired by their time away and ready to keep rolling!

Monday, October 2, 2017

Lauren is performing in Sarah Scholl's An Easy Guide to Time Management at the Puppet Blok at Dixon Place. Performance is Tuesday October 3rd at 7pm. For tickets, click here:

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Lauren is happy to be back at LIU Post teaching Devised Theatre in the MFA program.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Lauren is teaching an Experimental Theatre Workshop at Sarah Lawrence College at a High School Writer's Seminar this week. She is being inspired by her talented students and fellow faculty!

Monday, May 15, 2017

Lauren's devising collective with Sarah Scholl, Commuter Assembly, performed a work in progress at Dixon Place last night. They are currently working on a piece about communication; how we communicate as humans and how we as theatre makers communicate with our audiences. We are throwing traditional theatrical troupes out the window in hopes of finding our own new vocabularies with which to both create work and communicate with our audiences. This showing marked the beginning of a long process and we are excited about having been able to show in an evening with other exciting creators from our graduate alma mater, Sarah Lawrence College. Photos from this showing have been added to the gallery!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Lauren spent the weekend in Woodstock, NY with the other half of her Commuter Assembly devising partnership, Sarah. Their artistic retreat set them off in exciting directions with some new questions to explore in their work together this summer. Stay tuned for more!

Friday, December 2, 2017

Thank you to Sibyl Kempson and Dixon Place for a lovely evening of art sharing. Lauren read a portion of her new play, Thanks for Listening or the Everyday Dying of Stained Glass Shadows.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Lauren will be reading a portion of her new play, Thanks for Listening or the Everyday Dying of Stained Glass Shadows, at Dixon Place on Friday, December 2nd. She will be presenting an excerpt of this work in progress along side of four other writers sharing pieces of their exciting projects. More details to follow.

Monday, September 19th, 2016

The 4th Annual Venezuelan Film Festival closed last night at the Syndicated Bar Theatre in Brooklyn. Lauren was grateful to have been asked to be on the jury this year and deeply congratulates all the talented filmmakers that competed.

Thursday, September 1st, 2016

Lauren is very happy to be on the jury panel for the 4th Annual Venezuelan Film Festival in New York. For a line up of the films being screened during the festival and to find out how to get tickets visit the festivals website by clicking here:

Friday, September 1, 2016

Lauren is thrilled to be joining dear friends, colleagues, and menotrs as a new member of the adjunct faculty at Long Island University, CW Post.



Thursday, May 19th, 2016

After two years of incredibly fullfilling learning and growing, Lauren has graduated with her MFA from Sarah Lawrence Colege. She is incredibly grateful for her time there and the magical artists she met and learned from. She is looking forward to taking the summer to hang out with her family for a much needed break then back into the studio to keep this momentum going!

















Monday, September 8, 2014

Today Lauren begins classes as a graduate student at Sarah Lawrence College, working towards her MFA in Theatre. Lauren is thrilled to be joining such an exciting and innovative graduate program and looks forward to making work with her talented new colleagues.












Friday, April 11, 2014

Performances begin tonight for Post Theatre Company's First Year Showcase, Out Loud: First Year Showcase. Performances will run April 11th to April 13th, Friday and Saturday at 7.30 and Sunday at 3pm at The Little Theatre at Long Island University, CW Post.


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Lauren has begun rehearsals for Post Theatre Company's First Year Showcase at her alma mater, Long Island University, CW Post. Lauren is thrilled to be back for her fifth year to direct this exciting production! Performances will run April 11th to April 13th, Friday and Saturday at 7.30 and Sunday at 3pm.


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Wishing a happy New Year to all, and a year filled with creativity, risk taking, bravery, kindness and love!


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Happy Holidays from Lauren and her family!














Friday, June 15, 2013

Lauren has arrived back in NYC from the Transit Festival in Denmark. She had a transformative experience and is looking forward to making it back to another Magdalena Festival as soon as she can!





















Sunday, May 26, 2013

Lauren will be attending the Magdalena Project's Transit Festival in Holstebro, Denmark. The two week festival will be held at the renown Odin Theatre; Lauren looks forward to training and exchanging ideas with women theatre makers from around the world.



Friday, April 19, 2013

Confessions: First Year Showcase opens this evening at Long Island University, CW Post at 7.30pm, and will also run Saturday at 7.30pm and Sunday at 3pm.













Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Lauren has begun rehearsals for the Post Theatre Company's First Year Showcase. The show will run the weekend of April 19th - April 21st. Performances on Friday and Saturday at 7.30pm and Sunday at 3pm.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Happy Holidays and a joyous and peaceful New Year from Lauren and her family!




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